Posts Tagged drug control

3 Reasons to Legalize Pot

From Reason TV: 3 Reasons to Legalize Pot Now!

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Drugs, Organ Trade, and Media Hype has a 30-minute segment from John Stossel’s show on Fox Business featuring some of the heavy-hitters from Reason Magazine:

On March 4, 2010, Jacob Sullum, Nick Gillespie and Virginia Postrel appeared on a special episoode of Fox Business Network’s Stossel devoted to prohibition to discuss drug laws, ridiculous media scare stories, and legalizing markets in human organs.

Approximately 30 minutes.

With a discussion involving recreational drugs and trafficing in human organs, how can you go wrong?

I can’t embed it, so follow the link to see the video.

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Victimless Crimes

John Stossel at Townhall writes about prohibitions for things relating to your use of your own body and victimless crimes. No matter what it is you want to do, it seems someone in power will tell you that you can’t, because it’s for your own good. I can determine my own good without your elite and expert opinion, thank you very much.

The prohibitionists say their rules are necessary for either the public’s or the particular individual’s own good. I’m skeptical. I think of what Albert Camus said: “The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.” Prohibition is force. I prefer persuasion. Government force has nasty unintended consequences.

I would think that our experience with alcohol prohibition would have taught America a lesson. Nearly everyone agrees it was a disaster. It didn’t stop people from drinking, but it created new and vicious strains of organized crime. Drug prohibition does that now.

Read the rest here.

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