Posts Tagged depression

Knee-Jerk Anti-Bullying Legislation

Recently, a teenage girl committed suicide in Suffolk County, New York. Her parents are contemplating prosecuting other students who posted bullying and harassing comments on their daughters Facebook page, even though they do not believe that those comments caused her daughter to commit suicide. They just want the “hurtful” comments, which are still being posted to her Facebook page,  to stop.

Well, none too soon, the government has come to help! Suffolk County is drafting legislation to stop “cyber-bullying,” whatever that is. Read the rest of this entry »

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America’s Forgotten Depression

A little while ago I posted about the Depression of 1921, and how no one has really heard of it because we came out of it so quickly. And we came out of it quickly because of capitalist policies of low taxes and cut government spending, not because of socialistic control and regulation, higher taxes, and increased spending. I also referenced a few articles about the depression, as well as a video. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Great Recession of 2011-2012

James Strodes at the American Spectator has dour predictions for the state of the US economy in years to come. True, deficits are piling up, spending is out of control, and we’re still losing jobs, but is it really that bad? Strodes seems to think so. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Depression You Haven’t Heard Of

I was watching Glenn Beck the other day, and he mentioned something that I hadn’t heard of before: the depression of 1921. Admittedly, my studies of history have mostly focused on the ancient world or post-WWII America, so I wasn’t up on the ’20s too much, but I was kind of surprised about this. Weren’t the ’20s known as the “roaring twenties” because of the massive prosperity of the time? I thought that the economy was great until the Great Depression – so what was this about a big depression during this time? Read the rest of this entry »

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